WCF Welcomes New Board Members, Celebrates Outgoing Members

At its July board meeting, the Woodbury Community Foundation welcomed the addition of Jack Clinton, Ashray Gupta, Jeff Hrastich, Marcus Hultgren, Holly Minners, Donna Stafford and Margaret Wacholz to the Board of Directors.  At the same time, the Board thanked Stephanie Brunz, Joan Guider, Hannah Hamilton, Dick Hanson, Holton Sailor, and Darrell Silverness for their service to the Woodbury community as they completed their service to the Board of Directors.  A special note of appreciation to Dick Hanson, who completed nine years of service to the Board and who has been so instrumental in the Foundation’s growth and success over the years in nearly every facet of the organization.  Dick, with his wife Diane, have been instrumental in supporting the community, launched the Horizon Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and have supported the Bruce Stafford Public Safety Fund during their time with the Foundation.  Thank you, Dick and Diane!

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